If your organisation has users, customers or staff, managing data protection is one of your responsibilities. You must be able to show that you are managing personal data appropriately. This can mean dealing with data breaches and managing subject access requests (SARs). Another key requirement is to show that you are taking the right measures to secure your data. Breaches must be dealt with swiftly in case they need to be reported to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). SARs can take a lot of resource and you only have one month to respond. Getting a SAR wrong can lead to complaints and potentially involve the ICO, conversely delivering a SAR correctly can help close a complaint. Data Protection Team, helping manage data protection for all.

Data Protection Support For All

Group meeting to manage data protection

How We Can Help You Manage Data Protection

If your organisation has users, customers or staff, managing data protection is one of your responsibilities. You must be able to demonstrate that you are managing personal data appropriately. That can mean dealing with incidents such as data breaches and managing subject access requests (SARs). Another key requirement is to be able to show that you have taken the right measures to secure your data.

Breaches must be dealt with swiftly in case they need to be reported to the Information Commisioner’s Office (ICO). SARs can take a lot of resource and you only have one month to respond. Getting a SAR wrong can lead to complaints and potentially involve the ICO conversely delivering a SAR correctly can help close a complaint.

Data Protection Team, helping manage data protection for all.

Our Main Services

  • SARs

    Redaction support and dealing with requestors

  • Training

    A complete range of courses for all levels

  • Helpdesk

    Answers to your data protection questions

  • CCTV

    Help with one of the more complex data protection areas

  • Projects

    Specialist support for major projects